Saturday, November 15, 2008

Westward Bound

So this January during Short Term, I am westward bound yet again. This time though, instead of going out to sunny California to do wedding photography, I'm going to Arizona to teach on an Indian reservation.

There is a group of about eleven of us going and I think I'm guilty of being the one who is most nervous. I wish I had more confidence in myself and my abilities so I wouldn't be quite as worried, but I can't seem to stop being my own worst critic. Despite this nervousness though, I am incredibly excited. We're not flying either, we're going old school and road trippin' it. I think that is so cool. Driving across country (or close enough anyway) is definitely one of those things you want to do before you die. Plus, we're going two different routes one the way and returning to Berea so we can see all sorts of interesting things. I am super excited about the ample photo opportunities I am certain I will have throughout the entire trip.

Hopefully though, the best part of the trip will be working with the students. I haven't yet gotten my placement and I am very anxious to see what subject area and what age group I get to work with. I am positive I will be happy with whatever I get and I can't wait to get started!

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