Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rainbow Bright

I have recently discovered that at exactly 8:30 am, the sun has perfectly aligned itself so that as soon as my alarm sounds, there is a small band of rainbow stretching itself across my face and pillow. The first two days I could not figure out what in the world it was reflecting off of, but alas, this morning I finally made my discovery. There is a mirror on the back of my door across from my bed and there is about an inch and a half of the mirror along each edge that is angled at just the right angle to make a perfect array of colors bathe me with a wake up call. Normally, I might be a little grumpy to be woken up by the sun, but a rainbow? What a cheerful way to wake up!

It made me think of the observations we have been doing all semester long about the habits and motion of the moon. Obviously, like the moon, the sun moves across the sky and at such a fast rate that by the time I am out of the shower, my little rainbow has traveled to the very edge of my bed and drops off and disappears shortly after. I am curious to know how many more days I will get to experience this spectacle before the sun moves along to a new location at 8:30 am. Now if only some Skittles could come raining out of the rainbow like in the commercials, that would be a real Halloween treat!

I hope that when I become a teacher, together my class and I can stumble upon little discoveries like this and incorporate them into the classroom. I feel that you can't really make accurate lesson plans prior to meeting your students because I think it is important to revolve what the class does around what the class is interested in. I mean, to me that is kind of common sense and that is how I want to fashion my future classroom. I guess, though, that this also means I will have to be a bit of a procrastinator in my lesson plans and whatnot, but I don't think I will have much trouble accomplishing that :]

I took a photo of the rainbow on my pillow instead of my face since most people, including me, look gross when they first wake up.

1 comment:

Sonja EDS 150 said...

I love this entry! I remember you telling me about this annoying sun being on your face, and how you took a picture of it (and I asked "you took a picture of your face??) and you clarified it was the blanket/bed. I can't believe you connected it back to this blogspot. That's awesome Amy and so are you!