Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ferris Bueller, You're My Hero!

So the other day I was sitting on my bed working on homework when I looked up and saw none other than Ferris Bueller staring back at me. Now I might be a little biased since Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is my favorite movie, but I genuinely feel as though that movie offers such great advice! I also feel like it could be great in the classroom. How could this be, you ask, since the movie is about skipping school? Well I will tell you. It is blatantly obvious Mr. Bueller and his friends learn way more in their skipping then they would have if they had gone to school instead. They eat foreign cuisine, go to a parade, see priceless works of art, etc. etc. They fully immerse themselves into their culture, and to me, it is just so inspiring. One of my favorite quotes of all times (and one I try to live my life by) comes from that film:

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

I don’t want to encourage my students to skip class by all means, but rather encourage them to stop and appreciate things. Live life and enjoy it for Pete’s sake! Let us indeed “Save Ferris” and save his ideals to make our own lives better. So thanks Ferris Bueller, you really are my hero :]

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